Funnybone from Comedian Dennis Tooley

Comedian Dennis Tooley wants to help people see the lighter side of life. To learn more about Dennis go to

Monday, January 29, 2007

Political Correctness Run Amuck:

Recently I have noticed that many people are overly sensitive to the mention of Christ or Christian values. Too many people choose to be offended when anyone exposes the fact that they are a Christian. Well as of today, I choose to be offended by those people who do not respect my freedom to worship Christ.

If you drive around the city of Indianapolis right now, the city is covered in blue. Everywhere you go you will see the very open support for the AFC Champion Colts. GO COLTS!!! This city has become a “Colts Centered” Community.

Aside from a few Bears fans that may have gotten lost, you will be hard pressed to find anyone who will take offense to the greeting, “GO COLTS!!!” If you greet someone in that manner you will get smiles and high fives. You may even get a short conversation about how the Colts are going hunting because it is Bear hunting season.

Why is it that we are perfectly fine to expose a “Colts Centered” relationship but we must hide our “Christ Centered” relationship? It is time that we Christians stand tall and show our colors. GO CHRIST!!! GO CHRIST!!! GO CHRIST!!! GO CHRIST!!!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Shopping for Books

Buying books is getting harder all the time. These big books stores have more choices than anyone person can make. I was looking for a book on Making Decisions and I couldn’t make up my mind whether I should get “Decision Making for Dummies” or “The Complete Idiots Guide for Making Decisions.” Too many choices for someone in my condition.

Yes I have a rare disorder. You have heard of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder). I have ADLB (Attention Deficit Lazy Butt Disorder). I get bored easily but I am not getting my fat bahoochie off the couch to do anything about it. As long as I can flip through channels I am good.

Friday, January 12, 2007

My Son Joined a Gang!

My 9 year old son joined a gang. That’s right. He joined gang with all of their gang colors and gang signs. I am not proud but I am a bit impressed. They have rules about how they have to wear their gang caps and colors and all that. They take that stuff serious. They call themselves the “Home Boy Scouts.”

The good news is that I think my son is already wanting out of the gang. They have too many activities that remind him of homework.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Those Were the Days:

I was born before the Drug Companies came up with Ritalin. I guess back in the day, they didn’t need that kind of “treatment.”

My parents had a special treatment when I got a little wild. It was called, the BELT! Oh yeah, and they didn’t have to wait 4-6 hours before treating again. They treated as often as they felt it was necessary.

Don’t get me wrong. I deserved almost half of the whippings I got. The others should have gone to my brothers. They were evil!

The whippings weren’t the worst of it. It was the “Chats” my dad wanted to have before each spanking. He would want to make sure we knew why we were about to get the treatment. On and on he would go to the point that I would begin to think of other things I could be doing to that would get me into even more trouble. “Just beat me already!!! Please!?!?!?!” was my thought but I never voiced that idea out loud.

Finally he would come out with that phrase we all thought was a huge lie, “This is going to…” You have already finished without me because someone in your life time has used that line.

If it is going to hurt you that bad then DON”T DO IT! Let’s grab a Coke and some Twinkies and watch Oprah together. Can’t we all just get along?