Funnybone from Comedian Dennis Tooley

Comedian Dennis Tooley wants to help people see the lighter side of life. To learn more about Dennis go to

Friday, April 20, 2007

The Words We Use to Confuse:

If someone is walking in a very carefree manner we might say they are “Nonchalant.” Does that mean if a person is in a frenzy and in a crazy hurry they are “Chalant”?

If a person is unhappy with their situation and they complain and argue with people they will be described as “Disgruntled.” Does that mean that people that get along with everyone are “Gruntled”?

When a person has a quick wit and snappy replies people will call them a “Smart Aleck.” Does that mean that all those people who are not as quick in the reply are “Dumb Alecks”?

These are just a few items in our language that bounce around the back of my empty head from time to time.